Eyelid Surgery

  • .5-1.5 Hour Surgery
  • Back to Work: 1-2 Weeks

As we age, a complex series of changes takes place in the tissue around the eye. Skin becomes thinner and less elastic, fat may protrude or atrophy and even the bone can resorb, lending less support to the soft tissues. Many of these changes can be improved or corrected surgically with blepharoplasty, often called eyelid surgery, in Denver, CO. Men and women from Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, and nearby cities trust the board-certified plastic surgeons at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery for facial plastic surgery performed with great precision and care.

Eyelid Lift
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Mini Facelift Case 155 View #1 in Denver and Colorado Springs, CO
Before / After
Case: 1 of 8

This 46-year-old woman illustrates just how powerful a comprehensive facial rejuvenation can be.  She presented to Dr. Wolfe with a desire to improve her brows, eyelids, face, and neck.  After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Wolfe performed a mini-browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasties, a Mini-facelift, and tightening of her neck mus... Read More
Surgeon: Andrew J. Wolfe, M.D.
Before & After Eyelid Lift Case 11486 brow eyes front in Denver and Colorado Springs, CO
Before & After
Case: 2 of 8

This is a 56 year old woman who underwent a mini-browlift, upper blepharoplasty (eyelid trim) and mini-facelift by Dr. Steven Vath. The browlift and eyelid surgery opened up her eyes making them appear more attractive and youthful. The mini-facelift reduced her jowls and tightened her neck. Post-operative pictures are from 6 weeks... Read More
Surgeon: Steven D. Vath, M.D.
Before & After Mini Facelift Case 243 View #1 in Denver and Colorado Springs, CO
Before / After
Case: 3 of 8

This is a 55 year old woman who simply wanted to look as youthful in the mirror as she felt.  She underwent a minifacelift, minibrowlift, and upper blepharoplasty in order to tighten her neck, define her jawline, lessen her facial wrinkles, and "open up" her eyes.  Post-operative pictures are from 5 weeks after surgery.  I... Read More
Surgeon: Steven D. Vath, M.D.
Before & After Eyelid Lift Case 237 View #1 in Denver and Colorado Springs, CO
Before / After
Case: 4 of 8

This 45-year-old man felt that he looked tired and angry, and wished to brighten the appearance of his eyes.  He underwent an upper blepharoplasty and a lower transconjunctival (fat only) blepharoplasty.  Photos taken 8 months later show a rested, refreshed appearance with a masculine eyelid shape. Read More
Surgeon: Andrew J. Wolfe, M.D.
Best Denver Neck Liposuction/Lift
B/A (6 weeks)
Case: 5 of 8

This 55 year-old woman stated she was not quite yet ready for a formal facelift, but wished to have improvements to her neck contours. Dr. Steinwald suggested that she could get a several-year improvement with simple anterior neck liposuction to partially "deflate" and soften this area, and she is shown here with fairly nice results at approx... Read More
Surgeon: Paul M. Steinwald, M.D.
Before & After Eyelid Lift Case 497 View #1 in Denver and Colorado Springs, CO
Case: 6 of 8

This 38 year-old woman had already had a browlift for very low-set eyebrows approximately 10 years prior, but presented to discuss upper-lid lifting as well.  In particular she was bothered by the heavy, closed-lid appearance, which also made her look more chronically tired that she felt inside.  She also had an element of residual... Read More
Surgeon: Paul M. Steinwald, M.D.
Before & After Facelift Case 12019 Front in Denver and Colorado Springs, CO
Before & After
Case: 7 of 8

This is a beautiful 72 year-old patient who came to see Dr. Cunningham seeking facial rejuvenation. She was bothered by the excess skin of her lower face and neck, jowls, and lack of definition in her jawline. She also was bothered by excess skin of her upper eyelids that made it difficult to put on makeup. She elected to undergo bilateral up... Read More
Surgeon: Teresa C. Cunningham, M.D.
Before & After Eyelid Lift Case 532 View #1 in Denver and Colorado Springs, CO
Before / After
Case: 8 of 8

This 48 year-old woman was interested in upper facial rejuvenation.  In particular, she was bothered by the circles under her eyes which were especially obvious in the mornings, and getting more prominent with age.  She also mentioned the heaviness of her brow, creating and upper eyelid “hooding” effect, and the appearance... Read More
Surgeon: Paul M. Steinwald, M.D.

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

When Should You Get Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery is intended to tighten the tissues of the upper and/or lower eyelids. It is useful for improving the appearance of aging around the eyes.

What Is Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Surgical improvement of the upper eyelid is, for the most part, a matter of removing the excess skin. The lower border of the incision is placed in the fold of the upper lid, while the upper margin is determined by the degree of redundancy. In some cases, there is excess fat, as well, which presents as an area of puffiness in the central corner of the lid. This is easily removed through the same incision that removes the skin. Very fine sutures are used to close the incision precisely.

What Is Lower Eyelid Surgery?

An aged appearance in the lower lid can be due to a number of factors, the most commonly addressed surgically include:

  • Fat in the lower lid, which may create puffy bags under the eyes, is best removed via a transconjunctival approach involving a small incision inside the lower eyelid mucosa. This technique avoids an external incision.
  • Excess lower eyelid skin can be removed as a “pinch” procedure which preserves the structural integrity of the lower lid and reduces complications like prolonged swelling and lid malposition.
  • Loss of elasticity and tone in the lower eyelid skin, which may be caused by sun damage, smoking, or age. Removing skin will tighten the area, but won’t change the skin itself. Laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and dermarolling are all useful techniques for improving the skin quality and can be used in conjunction with lower eyelid surgery.

Any or all of these factors may be present, and combinations of these techniques are frequently used to give patients a harmonious, attractive result.

A Reputation Built on Results

Had lower face lift in early December with Dr. Vath. Was really happy with every step of the process...
I had a fantastic experience with Dr. Steinwald and the team at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery. The...
This has completely changed my life. Wonderful experience and even better results.
Very good experience from start to finish. Would recommend Dr Vath & his team to friends and family.

Can I Combine My Eyelid Surgery With Other Procedures?

Your surgeon may recommend combining additional procedures with your eyelid lift for more complete facial rejuvenation. Options include:

Post-surgical discomfort is typically mild to moderate with any facial procedure. Swelling and bruising, while inevitable, will dissipate within 1 to 2 weeks. With a little strategic makeup, most people find they are ready to go out in public in 2 weeks or less.

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Fact & Fiction About Eyelid Surgery

The upper lids and brow are often treated together but may be individually addressed.

In some patients, the appearance of aging in the upper lid is confined to the upper lid itself. These people require only an eyelid lift to see significant improvement in this area. In many patients, however, the upper eye area looks aged because of the upper eyelid and the position and/or shape of the eyebrow. In these patients, an upper eyelid lift may be performed in conjunction with a brow lift to more completely correct the aging process, as neither procedure alone would be optimally effective.

Hollowed out eyes are not attractive or youthful.

Twenty years ago, an upper eyelid lift typically involved removing as much skin and fat as possible in a misguided effort to create a youthful appearance. In fact, these aggressive operations often left patients with a hollowed-out, skeletonized orbit that made them look even older and less robust. Modern techniques conservatively remove skin and fat from the upper and lower lids, and many complementary treatments (such as fillers and fat grafting) actually replace volume lost due to the aging process.

How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon for Your Eyelid Surgery

For optimal safety and results, it’s important to choose your surgeon carefully. Important guidelines include:

  • Review many impressive before-and-after photos
  • Find a surgeon who specializes in cosmetic plastic surgery
  • Seek a surgeon who upholds the proper credentials
  • Make sure the surgeon uses only an accredited, state-of-the-art surgical facility
  • Decide, if upon meeting the surgeon, you make a connection
Dr. Steven Vath, Dr. Matthew Freeman, Dr. Teresa Cunningham, Dr. Andrew Wolfe, Dr. Paul Steinwald


Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Steven Vath, Dr. Andrew Wolfe, Dr. Paul Steinwald, Dr. Matthew Freeman, and Dr. Teresa Cunningham lead our patient-centered practice with warmth, honesty, and respect.

Identifying Good Eyelid Lift Results

The eyes should have a natural, nonsurgical appearance.

Perhaps the most important characteristic of an expertly performed blepharoplasty is that it leaves the patient with an unoperated appearance. Any aspect of the procedure that is overdone can alter the normal shape of the eye and these distortions are noticeable even to the untrained eye. The lower lid, in particular, is an area that responds poorly to an overly aggressive procedure.

The brow, upper lid, and lower lid should be aesthetically balanced, with similar degrees of aging and laxity.

Rejuvenation of the upper face must include an assessment of the brow, upper lids, and lower lids. When indicated, all 3 areas should be addressed to maintain harmony and prevent a discordant appearance.

To discover a happier outlook on life with eyelid surgery, request a consultation using our online form or by calling (303) 278-2600. This relatively low impact surgery can give you tremendous improvement in your appearance. The Center for Cosmetic Surgery has a plastic surgery office just outside of Denver in lovely Golden, Colorado, and another located downtown in Cherry Creek, Denver.

Making your cosmetic goals a reality is easier than ever with our flexible financing options:

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