Our Black Diamond Status

Allergan Partner Privileges Black Diamond Logo

It’s not necessarily true that a surgeon who does a high volume of a certain procedure is very good at it. But it is true that a surgeon can’t be very good at a procedure unless he or she does a high volume.  In line with this but at the risk of sounding as if I’m bragging about Dr. Wolfe and myself, I think it’s important that people searching for breast augmentation surgeons know that we are a Black Diamond account with the major and dominant breast implant manufacturer in America, Allergan. This means that we have been recognized for the large number of implants that we purchase from the company. And, I should add that our Denver-based practice is their #1 account in their Northwest region, meaning we order more breast implants than any practice, center, or hospital in this large geographic area.

So, while this does not prove that you’ll receive the best care and the finest breast enhancement surgery at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our Black Diamond status with Allergan is one important factor that allows for us to be the best and may also be a result of the same.

To learn more about our Black Diamond status, as well as, the variety of breast enhancement procedures we offer, contact us today.


Dr. Steven Vath

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