The Key to Your Best Results

Woman Holding Face Looking Up and Smiling

The topic of cosmetic surgery seems to be a fertile playing ground for fun and interactive blogging. That was my thinking when this site was initially created; however, I have fallen short of actually posting. So… I now publicly (although to few, if any readers for now) challenge myself to jump start what I feel could be a platform for entertaining and informative plastic surgery discussion.

Ideally, I’d like to create enough interest and hopefully spark a forum-like on-line dialogue. My plan is to share some of my thoughts and experiences that occur during my work as a plastic surgeon and see what questions and responses people may have. I vow to be responsive, creating an opportunity for those interested to engage in an honest dialogue about the world of plastic surgery.

Today, I had a consultation with a woman interested in breast augmentation at my practice in Denver, Colorado. But she has a bit of a different situation. Her chest bones developed in such a way that she has a depression between her breasts that causes her breasts to be somewhat different in shape, position, and posture. She is a wonderfully self-aware woman and understands the changes that her bone development caused to her breast appearance. Her expectations of being fuller with a more womanly shape are easily obtainable and I have no doubt that she would be pleased with her surgery results. I bring this up because a valuable point came up during our consultation that I discuss with many people who are considering surgery.

When patients try to develop reasonable expectations of what a surgical procedure will do for them, it is critical that they first understand where they are starting. Most people don’t actually see their true appearance when they look in the mirror due to some brain phenomenon that develops over our lives warping our mirror image into something different in our minds.

So, I often recommend that people take pictures of themselves and evaluate the pictures rather than the mirror reflection. People are generally amazed (sometimes in a good way, sometimes not) at what they really look like. Then, they can truly understand where they are starting and better grasp where plastic surgery will take them. Also, by placing those pictures in front of the computer, people can then do their internet research and identify what really works for their “before” situation, and what doesn’t. If everyone did this little trick, they’d be able to figure out most of the truths and myths in my field and have a great idea if cosmetic surgery can achieve what they want. The woman I met today had done this and she will undoubtedly benefit from her awareness.

Dr. Steven Vath

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