Yearly Archives: 2021



A woman who has recovered from her Mommy Makeover opens curtains to get a better view of the outdoors.

What to Expect During Mommy Makeover Recovery

A mommy makeover is a unique procedure that is actually several treatments combined into one. Because it's a combination surgery, the recovery time is a bit longer compared to other popular cosmetic procedures. Many mommy makeover patients at our Denver practice often wonder what to expect during mommy makeover recovery. Are you curious about what …

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A woman researches the best plastic surgeons in Denver on her laptop computer.

How To Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon for Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

When considering plastic surgery, many of our patients begin their journey by Googling “best plastic surgeon in Denver.” However, the number of results for that type of search can be overwhelming. What exactly makes a good plastic surgeon? How do you know who is right for you? There’s no single definition of “best” plastic surgeon, …

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