There continues to be confusion surrounding the different types of silicone implants, specifically regarding what is and what is not a "cohesive" or "gummy" implant. I believe that some of this confusion is, unfortunately, being caused by other Plastic surgeons who, either through ignorance or intentional misdirection, are misinforming patients. I have seen a number …
Liposuction can create wonderful body transformations. Localized areas of fat excess can be reduced, leaving behind a person's natural, more attractive body contours undisturbed by these bulges. BUT... as I was reminded this morning during a consultation with a patient that had previous liposuction, it has it's limitations. A 43 year old woman had lost …
A patient I recently saw in consultation for a mini-facelift at my practice in Denver, CO, asked an interesting question: "Do facelift patients have a hard time adjusting to their new, younger appearance?" Without hesitation, my answer was "No." As I thought about it, I realized why, and a quick internet search confirmed my suspicion. A common …